這個部分實在有點冗長 又有點複雜...

一切的起源 是因為 進實驗室開始工作之前 要先通過線上安全訓練(Online Safety Traning) On UIUC Online system

而它需要有University Identification Number (UIN) 才能登入, 所以展開了漫漫長路的申請過程...

打從我們到這兒來 大約花了三個星期的時間去處理這些 行政 文件 作業,

There is a lot of paperwork and... Welcome to America... HaHa...

FLOW Chart:

check in UIUC system (Audra), Buy a Short-term Insurance → J1 orientation → Get Social Security Number(SSN)

→ Get Temporary Control Number(TCN) → Audra Check the TCN in system → Get a NetID to Login

→ Get University Identification Number(UIN) → Get I-Card #


1. 首先, 我們把DS-2019 / DS-7002 / VISA / Passport 交給了系上的行政助理(Audra) 存檔並登入到UIUC的系統, Waitting~

20100314 DS2019.jpg

2. J1 orientation will be this Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 10:00 in room 126 of the Graduate School of Library

and Information Science located at 501 East Daniel Street, Champaign, IL.

Once you are checked in I can add you to our system which will generate a University Identification Number.


3. Take the MTD Bus Route 6W Orange to the Social Security Administration with all papers you need (Passport, DS-2019, DS-7002...etc),

and fill a SSN apply form (parents name & birth place in English), waitting for your number be called,

aministrator do your apply and give you a receipt. Done!  p.s County=Taiwan, City=Taipei / Tainan / Kaoshiung ...etc

20100314 SSN receipt.jpg


4. Go the Henty Admin Bldg in UIUC (H5, Just near by the Main Quad, behind the Illini Union), find a payroll office,

give your DS-2019 and SSN apply receipt and passport (if they ask for), then, get a Temporary Control Number(TCN),

bring the TCN back to the Audra, she'll do a favour for keyin the TCN on the UIUC's system, Done!

20100314 TCN.jpg


5. Waitting Waitting Waitting~ check your email to receive the inform about your NetID, login code,

then you get the UIN, Done!


6. Go the I-Card Center in the bookstore at Daniel st. & wright st., fill the I-Card apply form, take a picture on site,

3 minutes later, Done!

20100303 I Card.jpg

Yes!  We can begin to the online safty training and take the MTD bus to anywhere with I-Card!  That's pretty GOOD!!


抱歉... 打成英文了... 但是我懶得翻譯了... 請將就點看吧大家~ please~


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